Every weekend, our faculty Duty Teams plan both on and off campus activities for students. Each Duty Team has several Prefects serving on it, and the Prefects help come up with fun ideas and things of interest for students to do.
There is always plenty to do on campus on Friday nights, Saturdays and Sundays. Activities can include things like a pick-up soccer game, large screen movie on the football field, scavenger hunt, Coffee House, dance in Student Commons, board game competition, crafts, trail ride, and much, much more.
And, the Gym, Commons and Library are also open for student use throughout the weekend.
In addition to a variety of on campus activities, Duty Teams always plan interesting off campus trips for students. A few of those outings this fall have included the Asian Market, church services in town, museums and galleries, plays and concerts, hiking, biking, kayaking, dinner and a movie, bowling, ice skating, laser tag, go cart racing, trip to Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, and Swing Dance lessons in Phoenix.
We even had a few big weekend trips this fall to the Grand Canyon and Nogales, Mexico.
Students always have many fun and educational options to choose from and participate in each weekend, all planned and led by Orme faculty and staff.
There is always something to do, so weekends at Orme are never boring!