Burns Health & Wellness Center
The Burns Health & Wellness Center is conveniently located on the Orme campus. Our Director of Health Services oversees the clinic, including but not limited to routine nursing care, emergency care, referrals, medication management, and education awareness programs. All of our staff are trained in CPR and First Aid. Students are transported off campus to the local medical clinic for routine medical needs requiring a physician, by appointment. On campus we have a full time Nurse and Counselor.
Hours of Operation
Open and fully staffed five days a week from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
Emergency Treatment
The Center provides assessment and care for minor injuries and illnesses. In the event of an emergency, a student will be taken to Yavapai Regional Medical Center in Prescott Valley, Arizona, or Verde Valley Medical Center in Cottonwood, Arizona.
E-mail: healthcenter@ormeschool.org