On Monday, January 16, fifteen students from Prescott College, along with their professor Dr. Denise Mitten, visited The Orme School to learn more about our Sustainability Program. The students, including Orme Summer Camp alumnus Kobe Biederman, are working to earn their doctorate in Sustainability Education. The group visited and toured the garden, orchard and vineyard, and viewed several Orme student projects including the free range chickens currently residing on the baseball field.
The best part of the day was a 45-minute exchange of questions and answers between Mr. Casey Jones’ environmental science class and the Prescott College students. Each group took turns asking questions of the other, and it was one of those magical moments in education where knowledge and inspiration flowed both ways.
Orme students commented on the myriad ways in which the Prescott College students saw sustainability education as being crucial in their different career paths. And the Prescott College students were impressed by Orme students’ knowledge of environmental issues and the design of their sustainability projects.