The Search for Sustainability, a free 12-part documentary series by Nathan Crane and airing globally November 1-12, 2015, will feature The Orme School. The series, which can be viewed on the Internet, will contain 49 interviews with leading experts around the country, including Orme’s very own Casey Jones, Charlie Orme and Patty West.
A new episode on a different facet of sustainability will air each night. Each episode will then have a 24-hour replay viewing period.
You can pre-register to watch The Search for Sustainability series by CLICKING HERE. The series trailer below contains a short portion of the series’ interview with Charles Orme IV (at 4:52 minutes).
Nathan Crane is an award winning author, inspirational speaker and filmmaker. He is the founder of the Panacea Companies including The Panacea Community, Panacea Publishing, Inc., Panacea Life School, and Panacea Hope. He is also the President and CEO of Integrated Health International. To learn more about Nathan, visit
This is Awesome!!!! I just shared with all my LinkedIn contacts. Well done Orme! I am very proud to be an Orme Mom 🙂